Saturday, March 7, 2015

International Women's Day

Dear Men,
As some of you would know, March 8th is International Women's Day.
We don’t want you to buy us gifts, or send some cute messages or pictures wishing us on this day. Nor do we need any of you to pamper us or anything. What we would sincerely need you to do is start respecting us. And not just tomorrow. We would appreciate if we can get this every single day.

We don't think it's much to ask for. In the light of all the increase in crimes against women, we think it's high time that something be done against these crimes. Honestly, we can make all the videos and posts on Social media networking sites. But trust me this will not help much.
It might create awareness, but we don't just need that, we need strict action so that the perpetrators are severely punished.

Respect all women, irrespective of whether we are your Mothers, sisters, wives or daughters. This is our only wish.

Yours sincerely,
